Emotional blunting

美 [ɪˈmoʊʃənl ˈblʌntɪŋ]英 [ɪˈməʊʃənl ˈblʌntɪŋ]
  • 网络情感迟钝;情感钝化;情绪迟钝
Emotional bluntingEmotional blunting
  1. Results : After 12 weeks of treatments , the total scores of PANSS and scores of all the factors , including negative factor , emotional blunting , emotional withdrawal , emotional exchange disorder , passive / apathy , and social withdrawal factor were significantly decreased .


  2. This emotional blunting encourages women to take on behaviors that are typically approved by men : appearing to be invulnerable , for instance , a stance that might help women move up in male-dominated businesses .


  3. Shakespeare also describes emotional distress as blunting or heightening sensitivity to touch and pain .
